is a very precise instrument, so we recommend that you use the Mouse control
panel of your operating system to set the pointer movement speed to 80% of the maximum value. As
your control and dexterity improve, you may increase the pointer movement speed.
The configuration of the scrolling buttons is made using the “Wheel” option, in the Mouse control panel.
There you can choose the number of lines of displacement per click, or define the displacement of a full
page at a time.
Now your
is ready to use.
Care and maintenance
To clean the ORTHOMOUSE you need to first to disconnect it from the computer (the wireless
OrthoMouse should be turned off). Just swipe a damp cloth over its surface. The area around the sensor
must be cleaned with a flexible cotton swab moistened with water and neutral soap.
Be careful not to scratch its surface
Fig. 9 – Flexible cotton swab
: Your Comfort Connection