Imported by:
AIC International - 44980 Ste Luce sur Loire - France
Imported by:
AIC International - 44980 Ste Luce sur Loire - France
- The calendar is displayed in Month/ Date format and the
year. Proceed as indicated above to select and change the
values of the calendar.
- Press and hold down the
button (then release) to
confirm the calendar settings and go to the time setting.
- The display shows the time in format Minutes : Seconds
and hour (in 24 H format). Proceed as indicated above to
select and change the values of the clock.
- Press and hold down the
button (then release) to
confirm the time setting and go to red and sound alarm
Displayed value corresponds to CO2 threshold to set up
for red visual alarm and alarm sound.
Proceed as indicated above to select and change the
values of red alarm and sound alarm.
- Press and hold down the
button (then release) to
confirm setting and return to standby mode.
Step 3: Enabling/ Disabling the sound alarm.
In standby mode, press to activate/ deactivate the
sound alarm.
The symbol appears above the temperature display.
This confirms that the alarm is enabled. If the symbol does
not appear on the display, this means the alarm is disabled.
when the sound of the alarm is disabled, the
alarm will not be heard (the visual display is maintained). It
is recommended not to disable the alarm. The alarm is
only available when the CO2 red value set up is exceeded.
Step 4: Selection of unit of temperature.
By default, the temperature is displayed in Celsius (°C).
In standby mode, press to display the temperature in
Fahrenheit (°F).