Orion SteadyPix Deluxe Скачать руководство пользователя страница 4


with the SteadyPix Deluxe, camera, and eyepiece assembly 
you have prepared in advance.
You may find it handy to use the camera’s timer to take your 
picture, as this will result in minimal disturbances to the cam-
era or telescope when snapping the photo. The movement of 
pressing the shutter button may be enough motion to affect 
image quality, or even lose the picture.

5.  What to Photograph with 

the SteadyPix Deluxe

Now that you have assembled the SteadyPix Deluxe, the only 
question remaining is “What do I want to photograph?” We 
have a few suggestions for you:

Terrestrial Photography

With literally millions of objects to photograph on earth, there 
are only a few hints we can give for using the SteadyPix 
Deluxe for terrestrial photography. One is to consider using 
a telescope with an Alt/Az (short for altitude/azimuth) mount 
on a sturdy tripod. An Alt/Az mount will allow simple up/down, 
left/right motions of the telescope so that you can easily adjust 
and aim the camera. Equatorial mounts (mounts designed to 
track the movement of stars in the sky) are not recommended, 
as they will be needlessly heavy due to the counterweight, 
and their ability to track celestial objects is of no use when 
photographing an object like a bird’s nest. In fact it will likely 
get in the way. Dobsonian mounts will also have trouble with 
terrestrial photography since aiming a Dobsonian mounted 
telescope at something close to the horizon (where most ter-
restrial photography takes place) will mean it has to be very 
low to the ground and hard to use. 
Remember that objects viewed through certain types of tele-
scopes can be oriented backwards, upside-down, or both.

The Moon

The Moon is one of the easiest and most interesting targets to 
photograph. With its rocky, cratered surface there is a wealth 
of detail to be photographed with your camera and SteadyPix 
Deluxe. The Moon is a very large target, so at higher magni-
fications you will only get a part of the surface in each pic-
ture. Use eyepieces that provide low powers (50x and below 
should work with most telescopes) if you wish to have the 
entire surface of the Moon in your field of view.
Photographing the full moon can be difficult since sunlight is 
falling directly on lunar surface and will mean there are very 
few shadows, so details will be harder to see. Photographing 
the Moon when it is in one of its partial phases is preferable, 
when the angle of the sun provides many detailed shadows 
on its surface. You might also want to use an optional Moon 

filter that threads onto the bottom of the eyepiece to bring out 
more subtle features on the lunar surface, even during a full 

The Bright Planets

Next to the Sun and the Moon, the planets Mars, Venus, 
Jupiter and Saturn are the brightest objects in the sky and 
make excellent targets for photography. Keep in mind that the 
planets don’t stay still like the stars, so to find them you should 
refer to Sky Calendar at our website (OrionTelescopes.com), 
or to charts published monthly in Astronomy, Sky & Telescope, 
or other astronomy magazines.
To get the right amount of detail on the planets, eyepieces 
that give high powers (at least 75x or more) should be used 
when using the SteadyPix Deluxe. Low powers will make it 
easier to find the planets, but they will not bring out any signifi-
cant details on the planets to make them worth photograph-
ing. High powers must be used to get images of the famous 
details of the planets, such as the rings of Saturn or bands on 
Jupiter’s surface.
You might also consider using colored planetary filters that 
thread onto the bottom of the eyepiece (just like the Moon 
filter). These colored filters bring out subtle details of the plan-
ets by filtering out various colors that reduce detail. Orion has 
several sets of colored filters available. Visit our website, tele-
scope.com, for more information on colored planetary filters

Deep-Sky Objects

Since deep-sky objects are very faint, use only digital camer-
as to photograph them when using the SteadyPix Deluxe. Film 
cameras require too much exposure time to get good results. 
A few bright objects can be photographed effectively using 
your SteadyPix Deluxe (such as the Orion Nebula). Other 
deep-sky objects may also be photographed for interesting 
pictures. Try experimenting with different deep-sky objects to 
see what kind of results you can obtain.

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may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of Orion Telescopes & Binoculars.

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One-Year Limited Warranty

This Orion product is warranted against defects in materials or work-

manship for a period of one year from the date of purchase. This 

warranty is for the benefit of the original retail purchaser only. During 

this warranty period Orion Telescopes & Binoculars will repair or 

replace, at Orion’s option, any warranted instrument that proves to 

be defective, provided it is returned postage paid. Proof of purchase 

(such as a copy of the original receipt) is required. This warranty is 

only valid in the country of purchase.
This warranty does not apply if, in Orion’s judgment, the instrument 

has been abused, mishandled, or modified, nor does it apply to nor-

mal wear and tear. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. It is 

not intended to remove or restrict your other legal rights under appli-

cable local consumer law; your state or national statutory consumer 

rights governing the sale of consumer goods remain fully applicable. 
For further warranty information, please visit www.OrionTelescopes.

