it never wanders too far from the morning or evening horizon. No surface
markings can be seen on Venus, which is always shrouded in dense clouds.
D. The Stars
Stars will appear like twinkling points of light. Even powerful telescopes cannot
magnify stars to appear as more than a point of light. You can, however, enjoy
the different colors of the stars and locate many pretty double and multiple
stars. The gorgeous two-color double star Albireo in the constellation Cygnus
is a favorite. Defocusing a star slightly can help bring out its color.
E. Deep-Sky Objects
Under dark skies, you can observe a wealth of fascinating deep-sky objects,
including gaseous nebulas, open and globular star clusters, and different types
of galaxies. Most deep-sky objects are very faint, so it is important you find an
observing site well away from light pollution.
To find deep-sky objects with your telescope, you first need to become rea-
sonably familiar with the night sky. Unless you know how to recognize the
constellation Orion, for instance, you won’t have much luck locating the Orion
Nebula. A simple planisphere, or star wheel, can be a valuable tool for learn-
ing the constellations and seeing which ones are visible in the sky on a given
night (see Useful Accessories section below). Once you have identified a few
constellations, a good star chart, atlas, or astronomy app will come in handy for
helping locate interesting deep-sky objects to view within the constellations.
5. Telescope care and maintenance
If you give your telescope reasonable care, it will last a lifetime. Store it in a clean,
dry, dust-free place, safe from rapid changes in temperature and humidity. Do not
store the telescope outdoors, although storage in a garage or shed is OK. Small
components like eyepieces and other accessories should be kept in a protective
box or storage case. Keep the dust cover on the front of the telescope when it is
not in use.
Your FunScope telescope requires very little mechanical maintenance. The optical
tube has a smooth painted finish that is fairly scratch-resistant. If a scratch does
appear on the tube, it will not harm the telescope. If you wish, you may apply some
auto touch-up paint to the scratch. Smudges on the tube can be wiped off with a
soft cloth and household cleaning fluid.
Cleaning Optics
You should not have to clean the telescope’s mirrors. Covering the telescope with
the dust cap when it is not in use will help prevent dust from accumulating on the
mirrors. Even a little dust on the mirror surfaces will not affect the optical perfor-
mance in any way. If you feel the mirrors need to be cleaned, please contact Orion