Bulletin #: V012116-01
Issue Date: January 21, 2015
Orion Packaging Systems * A division of Pro Mach
4750 County Road 13 NE Alexandria, MN 56308
(800) 333-6556
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Quick Start Guide
Running a Test Load
Now that you have the machine unloaded, unpacked, the film is loaded, you’ve
jogged all components, and a load is ready to wrap, let’s run a test wrap.
Go to the Run Screen.
Attach the film tail to the load or clamp for “A” models.
Release the E-stop button.
Press the Start button once to reset control power.
Toggle to Low Speed Mode on the Run Screen.
If everything is clear and you are ready to run, press and hold the Start button for
the amount of time set in the machine settings to start the machine.
Allow the load to wrap.
Since you still have control power present, you may toggle to high speed mode,
then press Start Cycle on the HMI to wrap the load again in high speed mode.
When the carriage is half way up the load, press Reinforce. The number of
reinforce wraps set on the HMI will be applied then the load will continue its
The Reset Cycle button will either stop the current wrap cycle or reset any
displayed faults.