To calculate the power, or magnification of a telescope, divide the
focal length of the telescope by the focal length of the eyepiece.
Telescope f.l. ÷ Eyepiece f.l. = Magnification
For example, with the Argonaut 6", which has a focal length
of 900mm, and a 25mm eyepiece, the power would be
900 ÷ 25 = 36x.
We recommend having a selection of three to six eyepieces
of different focal lengths, so you can choose the optimal mag-
nification, brightness level, and contrast for each object and
for different observing conditions.
5. Care and Maintenance
Give your telescope reasonable care and it will last a lifetime.
Store it indoors or in a dry garage. When the telescope is not
in use, keep it covered and keep the dust covers in place.
Any quality optical lens cleaning tissue and optical lens cleaning
fluid specifically designed for multi-coated optics can be used to
clean the front corrector lens of the telescope and exposed lens-
es of your eyepieces and finder scope. Never use regular glass
cleaner or cleaning fluid designed for eyeglasses. Always apply
the fluid to the tissue, never directly on the optics. After cleaning
the lens surface, gently wipe the lens with a dry tissue taking
care not to rub too hard. Use lots of tissue on larger lenses or if
the lens surface has grease on it. If any tissue fibers remain after
wiping, use a blower bulb to blow them off. Repeat the entire
process if necessary. Don’t take any lenses apart for cleaning!
Since the mirrors are housed within the sealed optical tube,
they will not get dirty and should not need to be cleaned.
Make sure to cover the focuser opening when the telescope
is idle. If the primary mirror does become dirty, contact Orion
Customer Support for instructions on how to remove and
clean it. Also, never remove the front corrector lens.
With very little maintenance, your Argonaut 6" Maksutov-
Newtonian will provide years of outstanding viewing. Enjoy!
6. Specifications
Optical system design: Maksutov-Newtonian
Primary mirror diameter: 152mm (6.0")
Primary mirror composition: Pyrex, aluminized and overcoated
with silicon monoxide
Primary mirror focal length: 900mm
Focal ratio: f/5.9
Meniscus lens: BK-7 glass, multi-coated on both sides
Size of central obstruction: 28mm
Finder scope: 10x50 achromatic, 6° field of view
Tube length: 38.5 inches
Weight: 20.1 lbs.
7. Suggested Accessories
Orion Observer 50mm Plössl 2" Eyepiece (#8490)
Nice low-power eyepiece that fits directly in the Argonaut’s
2" focuser. Yields a 50° apparent field of view. Multi-coated
lenses. Threaded for filters.
2"-to-1.25" Step-Down Adapter (#8768)
Allows use of 1.25"-diameter eyepieces in the telescope’s
2" focuser.
Orion Ultrascopic 1.25" Eyepieces
Our highest-quality eyepieces, Ultra Multi-Coated on every
air-to-glass surface for superior transmission and contrast
properties. Five- or seven-element lens design provides
exceptional flat-field images. Wide 52° apparent field. Focal
lengths from 3.8mm to 35mm.
Orion DeepMap 600 (#4150)
Large-format, folding star chart that shows the locations of
the 600 finest objects for observing with a telescope.
Coordinates, data, and a brief visual description are provided
for each object. Printed on waterproof plastic.
Accessory Tray (#7073)
Fits on the tripod of GP and GP-DX mounts, to hold eye-
pieces and other accessories.
Motor Drive (#2392) and Single-Axis Controller (#4426)
Allows hands-free tracking for GP or GP-DX mount.
SkySensor 2000-PC (#21174)
Provides “GO TO” pointing and slewing capability for GP or
GP-DX mount. May be used with
TheSky astronomy software.
Orion Collimating Eyepiece (#3640)
Recommended for quick, accurate optical collimation.