Dec. setting circle
R.A. setting circle
Counterweight lock knob
Counterweight shaft
R.A. slow-motion control cable
Accessory tray
Accessory tray bracket
Accessory tray bracket
attachment point
Leg lock knob
Figure 1. EQ-2 Mount
ongratulations on your purchase of a quality Orion product. Your new EQ-2 Equatorial Mount was
designed to work with many different telescope optical tubes. Designed for astronomical use, this preci-
sion mount allows convenient manual “tracking” of celestial objects as they move slowly across the sky,
so they remain within your eyepiece’s field of view. The setting circles will assist you in locating hundreds
of fascinating celestial denizens, including galaxies, nebulas, and star clusters, from their catalogued
coordinates. With a little practice and a little patience, you’ll find that your EQ-2 Equatorial Mount is an
invaluable tool for getting the most out of your astronomical observing sessions.
These instructions will help you set up and properly use your equatorial mount. Please read them over
thoroughly before getting started.
Latitude lock t-bolt
Latitude adjustment t-bolt
Dec. slow-motion control cable
Azimuth lock knob