5. Installation of Cot mount
To provide the best possible viewing experience, a cot mount with cable management is included.
This cot mount has been designed to mount directly to most cots. Assemble and install the cot mount
using the following steps. (To view an installation video visit oricom.com.au.)
• Join the 4 poles and the support base together as shown in Fig. 1a and 1b.
Fig. 1a
Fig. 1b
Each pole is connected with power cord inside. Take care not to damage the power cords when
removing the poles from the box and during installation.
• Fasten the top clamp either vertically on the upper rail (Fig. 2a) or horizontally on the slats
(Fig. 2b).
Fig. 2a
Fig. 2b
• Unscrew the knob, then open the top and bottom clamps, and Install them onto the
supporting pole. (Fig. 3a)