How to Use the Drawing Device
You can observe the image on the unit’s projection screen, or you can project an enlarged image
onto a white surface.
1) Make sure that the plastic viewing screen is in place in the slot on the top of the viewing hood.
2) Adjust the focus and illuminator until you see a clear image on the screen.
3) To see an enlarged image, remove the plastic viewing screen from its slot.
4) Make sure that the microscope is in the upright position.
5) Place a piece of white paper horizontally in front of the base of the microscope.
6) Darken the room and adjust the angle of the viewer hood mirror until you see the image
projected on the white paper. Adjust the focus and illuminator lamp position for the best result.
IMPORTANT SUGGESTIONS: When you are using the drawing device or the projection device
you must be in a darkened room. You will see the brightest views in a very dark room. Make
sure that the batteries are fresh and all lenses and mirrors are clean. Before studying your
slides in the dark, give your eyes a few minutes to adjust.
When using the projection device you may get some “light spill.” This is unwanted light that
comes directly from the illuminator or bounces off of reflective surfaces. This unwanted light
can overpower the projected image, making it very hard to see. If light spill is affecting your
projected image you might try placing your hand in front of the illuminator to block this extra