TRM 16 TRM 33 TRM 53 TRM 83 TRM 103
Before installing and using the new brand's electrical
water heater, please carefully read the entire
instructions. If not following the required methods in
this instruction brochure to make installations or use
it, it may cause the severe hazard accidents and the
property losses.
All interventions and the maintenance operations
must be conducted by professionals (in possession of
the requirements requested by the standards
prevailing in the area).
Before operating it each time, you must all make the
electrical water heater fully fill first. After that, it
can permit you to put through the power source.
When no tap water provides, you mustn't use the
water in the tank of electrical water heater.
For the cold and frozen regions in winter, when not
using it for a longer period of time, you should make
the water in the tank of electrical water heater
emptily occupy. The emptiness-making methods can
be seen the Security Characteristics in this
instructions brochure.
When the electric water heater in normal work, the
leakage pressed mouth of the security valve may
exit the water drops to drip out. This belongs to the
normal conditions. Take care not to enable to block
this leakage pressed exit. You can use the plastic