If you have DSP board V2
, you do not need to upgrade your 8500’s software to
version 3 because all 8500s with DSP board V2 have version 3.0 or higher al-
ready installed. Moreover, you do not need to open your 8500 and replace its
DSP board because the correct DSP board is already installed. (You may re-
serve the DSP board in the kit as a spare.) All you must do is run the
8600 upgrade software, carefully following the instructions below.
B) In Diagnostic Screen 3, check the Available Space line. Any amount less than
3000KB is insufficient for the upgrade and is likely to cause it to fail.
Low amounts of available space are usually caused by large numbers of User Pre-
sets. If you have less than 3000KB of available space, back up your user presets
using 8500 PC Remote software and then delete these presets from your 8500. If
this fails to increase the amount of available space to more than 3000KB, consult
Orban Customer Service. (Contact information is located at the end of this docu-
2. Back up your settings, automation, and user presets.
A) Establish an Ethernet network connection between your computer and your 8500.
You can do this via a TCP/IP network or directly between your computer and the
8500. For a direct connection, you must use a crossover Ethernet cable and you
must give your computer a fixed IP address (turn DHCP off). For details, refer to
Networking and Remote Control
starting on page 2-57 of the 8500 V3.0 Operating
Manual and
To initiate communication
on page 3-79 of the 8500 Manual. You can
access this manual by launching the 8500 PC Remote software that you installed
in step (3.C) above.
B) During the upgrade to v3.0 software from v2.06 or lower, the settings of the setup
controls in the list below are not retained and cannot be restored automatically
from PC Remote. Write down their values in the table below before upgrading so
that later you can set them via PC Remote or your 8500’s front panel.
Analog Out Level
Analog Out Source
Digital Output 1 Level
Digital Output 2 Level
Digital Output 1 Source
Digital Output 2 Source
Digital Output 1 Pre-Emphasis
Digital Output 2 Pre-Emphasis
Digital Output 1 Word Length
Digital Output 2 Word Length
Digital Output 1 Dither
Digital Output 2 Dither
Digital Output 1 Sample Rate
Digital Output 2 Sample Rate
Digital Output 1 Sync
Digital Output 2 Sync
Digital Output 1 Format
Digital Output 2 Format
C) Using PC Remote, back up your Setup and Automation files and your User Pre-
It is important to save these in plain text, not in encrypted form.
To back
up User Presets, system files, and automation files onto your computer’s hard
starting on page 3-80 of the 8500 V3.0 Operating Manual.
When you back up your settings to PC, write down the backup path so you can
easily find the backup files later. The backup path will appear just before you dis-
miss the backup dialog window.