Internal Clock
The 8200 contains an internal clock that is used to automatically change presets on a
programmed time and date schedule.
The clock is designed to provide short-term and long-term accuracy sufficient for the
application of changing the sound of the processing. It runs from the 8200’s internal time
base, which provides exceptionally good short-term stability, and is usually accurate to
better than one second in 24 hours. At the same time, the clock monitors the AC mains
frequency. In most developed countries, the power company maintains long-term accuracy
of the mains to precisely 60Hz or 50Hz. Once each 24 hours, at approximately one minute
after midnight, the 8200 resets its internal clock to the long-term (24 hour) average
frequency of the mains.
For installations that require better accuracy, clock reset capability is provided at the Remote
Control Interface connector. Using a pulse generated by your station’s standard clock
system, you can reset the 8200’s clock to the nearest hour, or to 00:00:00 (midnight).
For installations where the power company does not maintain long-term accuracy of the
main’s frequency, the clock can be set to run only from the 8200’s internal time base.
For more information, see page 2-74.
Future Updates
From time to time, Orban will introduce new features to the control system or the processing.
As these features are introduced, you will be given the opportunity to purchase the new
features. Some may only require software updating; some may require additional hardware.
To be assured of receiving notification of updates, stop now, complete the Registration Card
that came with the unit, and mail it in to us.
Software updates will be distributed on a module that plugs into a socket on the Control
Card. Instructions will be provided.