hospital and medical safety
Turn your phone off and remove the battery in areas where the use of phones is
prohibited. Always follow the instructions given by the medical facility regarding
the use of phones on their premises.
The operation of some medical electronic devices, such as hearing aids and
pacemakers, may be affected if a phone is used next to them. Observe any
caution signs and the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Your phone contains metal, which can cause an allergic reaction, such as a
rash or eczema, if you are prone to such things.
obeying the law
In some countries, the law prohibits or regulates the copying of copyright
material, and taking pictures in public or private areas. Please make sure you
always use your phone according to the law of the country you are in, and
respect the personal rights of others.
road safety
Pull off the road, park and switch off the engine before making or answering a