| 925.215.7315
| 925.215.7315
op LITe 2021 o
op LITe 2021 o
1 x AIR OPUS Annex
1 x Cross filling tube
2 x AIR Annex side walls
2 x AIR Annex doors
1 x AIR Annex Ground Sheet
1. Locate the Annex air transfer valve inside your OPUS. This is the black valve located on your main air beam in the camper on the
door-side, just above the window.
2. Install the Cross Filling Tube by unscrewing the top of the black valve, pushing the grey tube on to the valve and then threading
the top of the black valve over the tube and twisting it on. Thread the end of the Cross Filling Tube through the silver loop hole
in the OPUS side wall.
3. Open the air transfer valve – please note that this will cause your tent to deflate. You can also open the quick release valves to
deflate faster. You will need to do this to attain easy access to the zip line attachment on the front face of your tent
4. Open up the main section of your annex. Identify the zip & Velcro line which is how your will attach the annex to your main tent
and layout lay out your annex with the two front door sections furthest from the camper.
5. Our recommendation is to then stand between the OPUS and the annex and start zipping at the door side, walking
backwards between the OPUS and the annex as you close the zip. This will assist in locating both the Cross Filling Tube
that you installed on the main OPUS tent as well as the receiving valve on the annex-side about half-way along the zip
line. The receiving valve is located on the central air pole of your annex.
6. Once located, connect the Cross Filling Tube to the receiving valve on the side of the annex. Take care to ensure that the
spring is inside the grey tube to help protect the hose from getting kinked. Install the tube to the receiving valve in the
same way as in step (2) except you will need to thread the top of the valve on to the Cross Filling Tube before you push
the tube on to the valve. Twist the top of the valve on, to secure the tube in place.
7. Open the valve on the annex-side. Finish zipping the annex to the side of the OPUS and fold the Velcro flap over the zip.
8. Ensure all 7 quick-release valves are closed on the annex and all 5 on your OPUS main tent then press the AIR compressor
button on the control panel and wait for the annex to inflate.
9. Keep an eye out for obstructions and when the annex is starting to form, feel free to help guide the air beams to assist
in easy flowof air through them and form final annex structure.
10. Once your annex has inflated, you may find that the position of the AIR poles needs adjusting so that the annex is fully
tensioned. There are black straps between the floor-ends of the beams on the main tent section, which will help to
ensure the optimal placement of the beams. You can then peg the corners and guide ropes of the AIR annex to the
ground to secure your position.
11. Lay your optional ground sheet and attach this to the main tent using the zippers provided. There are zip-open sections
of your ground sheet to allow the kitchen and fridge to slide out. You can also then zip on your side walls.
12. Attach velcro seals between canopy and annex