ATX/ITX DC-DC 90W Power Supply User Guide
Solutions, Inc.
OPUS Solutions, Inc. 2002,2003; UG-DCX3.xx09 14-MAR-04
Remote/ Trigger output (optional)
The remote/trigger output can supply raw switched battery to turn-on slave device. This out can be used to turn on such
devices as LCD monitors, Head units, Amplifiers, external DVD-ROMs, etc. It is intended to control remote inputs of above
mentioned slave devices and NOT intended to power directly by the remote output of the DC-DC. If a slave device does not
have remote input then a relay or such devices must be used to switch power to the Slave devices, and the relay can be
controlled directly by the remote output of the DC-DC. A clamping diode must be used across the relay to suppress back EMF.
General wiring guidelines
Connect the computer power input cable directly to the battery terminal through a 10A or 15A fuse.
Use half loop to prevent cable/connector stress.
Use a dedicated #12 AWG or thicker cable to connect the unit to the battery.
Use an #18 AWG wire for ignition or on/off
Note: Do not share power cable with other equipment/s.
Make sure the voltage at Input power connector of the DC-DC (across pin 1 and pin 2) is less than 0.5V drop than the voltage
at the battery, with the computer operating at full load. If the voltage drop is greater then 0.5V then use thicker cable for the
battery and Ground connections.
Input Power connector
Connector pin description
3 2 1
I - +
View of connector used on the power supply.
Mating Plug:
AMP; P/N: 350766-1
Crimps: Amp P/N:
AMP; 640310-3 qty 2 and 350919-3 qty 1
Pin# Label
Batt (+)
+12V Battery power feed - Red
GND (-)
Battery return (GND) - Blk
Ignition or power switch input - Yel
Shut Down Delay Time and Stand-by Power mode Jumpers
A four-pin jumper block (JU1) is located on top left corner of the DC-DC power supply.
Jumper configuration
2 1
\ \ __ Shut down delay select;
Jumper Not installed
= 10 Sec shut down delay
Jumper Installed
= 20 min. Shut down delay
\ __ Stand-by power mode select;
Jumper Not Installed
= Stand-by power OFF after ign is OFF
Jumper Installed (factory default) = Stand-by power maintained after Ign is OFF