Edition of
Version 1.0
Page 7 of 10
7 Changing Configuration Settings
The following sub-chapters describe the modifications of the configuration that can be done by use of
the On Screen Menu.
7.1 Show or Hide Version Information (Show Version ON/OFF)
A window containing version information can be activated by use of main menu entry
„Show Version
. The first selection activates the window (refer to Illustration 7), by selecting it again, it is de-
activated. The meaning of the window contents is explained in the following table:
7.2 Store Configuration
The currently active configuration can be stored by use of main menu entry
„Store Configuration“
. This
function must be called when hand-made changes must be saved over power off. The standard con-
figuration can be recalled at any time by use of main menu entry
„Load Default Values“
If storing the
configuration was successful, the message
„Configuration stored“
is shown.
7.3 Load Default Values
The standard configuration can be loaded by use of main menu entry
„Load Default Values“
. Normally,
only minor or no adjustments should be necessary.
7.4 Adjust Phase
With high probability, a flickering and unstable picture can be corrected by an adjustment of the image
sampling phase. Move the star to main menu entry
„Adjust Phase“
, and activate the function by press-
ing button
. Now, the phase can be corrected by use of buttons
. Val-
ues from 0 to 31 are possible. If the shown image does no more change by repeatedly pressing button
, you have reached position 0. If the image no more changes by repeatedly pressing button
you have reached the upper end position 31.
HW: Vx.y
Hardware version
VL: Vx.y
Low-level firmware version
SW: Vx.y
High-level firmware version
Illustration 7: Version information