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Definition of Specifications
Dynamic Range
The dynamic range spans from the maximal power level the instrument can
measure without major saturation to the detector to the minimal power level where
the thermal noise of the detector becomes greater than the current produced by
the incident light. For accurate power measurements it is NOT recommended to
measure power levels at either end of the dynamic range. (see Linearity)
Photodetectors are, by nature, very linear over a wide range of optical input powers,
but the power meter electronics can affect the overall system linearity. The power
meter linearity is characterized and specified to know the measurement accuracy
and linearity over the full dynamic range. For accurate insertion loss measurements
only power levels that fall within the range with the best linearity (+/-0.05dB) should
be measured.
Calibration Wavelength
The calibration wavelengths are the nominal wavelengths of the instrument is
calibration points. The exact wavelength of each particular calibration is stated in
the certificate of calibration.
Calibration Traceability
The detector’s absolute calibration data is directly traceable to N.I.S.T. at the
specified calibration wavelength and the specified power level, typically -10dBm.