successful USB connection, the operating system will recognise new
hardware and then two new drive assemblies will be initialized.
These are marked as “removable data carrier e” and “removable data
carrier f”, the letters vary depending upon the number of drive assemblies in
your computer. They are made available on the work station, as well as in
Windows Explorer. The first drive assembly recognized (e:) is the internal
memory of the screen module. The second (f:) contains – if a memory card
is inserted – the contents of the card.
When taking a photograph, no USB connection between PC and
microscope may exist. Before you interrupt the USB connection or switch
the screen module off, you must remove the screen module (removable
data carrier e:) in the PC with the help of the hardware assistant and
“deactivate” the card drive assembly (removable data carrier f:) ! If the drive
assemblies are not deactivated, the PC might “crash” or there might even
be a loss of data!
5. Technical data
System requirements for USB connection / memory card use:
Windows operating system
Main board with USB connection
Media programme (e.g. Image processing programme, programme for
playing films)
Memory card
Memory card reader
6. Using the Microscope with eyepiece
6.1 Remove the LCD eyepiece from the tube and place the ordinary
eyepiece into the tube.
6.2 Place a prepared slide directly under the objective on the microscope
table, by clamping it into the stage. For this, move the lever for the clamping
mounting plate to the side, put the prepared slide onto the stage and
carefully allow the clamping mounting plate to return onto the prepared
slide. The object which is to be observed must be exactly above or below
the illumination. In order to achieve this, there are two milled thumb screws
on the stage. This is the so-called stage drive. By turning these screws it is
possible to precisely position the object, in the left or right direction and
forwards or backwards.
6.3 After you have set up the microscope with the corresponding
illumination, look through the Eyepiece.