Option Datacards GlobeTrotter Express HSUPA and GT MAX HSUPA
Version 1.0
1. sYsteM ReQUIReMents
000, XP, Vista
5Mb free hard disk space
2. PRoDUCt featURes
Easy installation
Simple intuitive user interface
Compatible with most modern desktop and laptop PC’s equipped with
Microsoft Windows
000, XP, Vista
3. sHoRt DesCRIPtIon anD IntenDeD Use
The GlobeTrotter Connect application is a small, easy to use tool to manage your
connection to the Internet over G and 3G mobile networks. It is designed for use
with all of Option’s data products.
3.1. Basic Use
The focus is on simplicity and most users will use it only in basic mode,
where it displays a window with network information and a Connect
button. The main purpose is therefore simply to Connect/Disconnect to
and from the Internet.
• Figure 1: GlobeTrotter Connect For Basic View
Some versions of GT Connect contain an SMS module. In this case
the Close button says ‘SMS Centre’.