Optimus Hiker Скачать руководство пользователя страница 2


A. Study the instructions for use carefully prior to using the stove. Get acquainted with all parts and functions of the stove
before using it. A good advise is to run the stove in favourable conditions when using it for the fi rst time.
B. The  stove  needs  a  breaking-in  period  of  approximately  ten  minutes  when  it  is  brand  new.  Run  the  stove  and  then  if 
necessary tighten the jet (2509) and the stuffi ng box (2194) by using the multikey (5214). Tightening the jet and/or stuffi ng 
box is needed whenever a small fl ame occurs by jet/stuffi ng box.
C. The stove should produce a controlled blueish fl ame. When the stove is brand new (during breaking-in), the fl ame may
be yellowish.
D. Never keep an uncapped fuel bottle near a stove in use.
E. Never fi ll fuel near an open fl ame, a lit cigarette or similar.
F. Should a small fl ame occur at the stuffi ng box (2194) or at the jet, tighten the stuffi ng box (approx. 1/4 of a rev.) or the
jet by using the multikey (5214). Repeat if necessary.
G. When changing fuels, empty the fuel tank fi rst. Let the stove cool off prior to priming and lighting it again. Do not mix 
different kinds of fuel.
H. The alcohol jet (2508, marked ‘A’ - Alcohol) MUST NOT be used for kerosene/paraffi n, diesel oil, gasoline/petrol or
Coleman fuel.
I. Never release air pressure when stove is in use, near an open fl ame, a lit cigarett or similar - fuel vapour may ignite on
contact with fl ames etc. Air pressure is released by opening the tank lid.
J. Unless you are an experienced user of liquid fuel stoves, we advise you not to use gasoline as fuel. If using gasoline, do it 
with extreme care. Gasoline is very volatile and fl ammable and consequently it may ignite explosively.
K. Never use automobile (car) gasoline. Car gasoline contains a lot of additives that are needed as lubricants etc. in a car
engine. These additives are not burnt properly in a stove. Instead they escape as extremely health hazardous fuel vapour
and exhaust fumes that may cause cancer. Furthermore, unleaded car gasoline may in some cases cause the rubber in
the pump valve (2253V) and the tank lid (2044) to expand. If this happens, the pump valve may leek fuel into the pump tube 
and the security valve of the tank lid may malfunction. Use white gasoline, heptane, Coleman fuel and similar instead of
car gasoline. If available in your country, unleaded environmental gasoline can be used, provided that it is free of benzene
and additives. Unleaded environmental gasoline is usually sold as a fuel for garden machines (e.g. lawn mowers) with 4-
stroke engines. Please note that any gasoline containing benzene and other additives is extremely health hazardous.
L. Never use other fuels than the ones the stove is designed for.
M. Never use an expedition stove indoors (e.g. in a tent) since open fl ames may cause fi re hazard and toxic fumes.


Optimus No. 111 C Hiker is a multifuel stove designed to use kerosene/paraffi n, diesel oil, white gasoline/petrol, Coleman 
fuel and methylated alcohol/spirits. Always use clean fuel of best quality. Dirty fuels soot and can reduce the stove’s out-
put. Using dirty fuels during long periods may result in clogged jets and fuel pipes.
Always use clean, good quality kerosene/paraffi n as a fi rst choice. Kerosene/paraffi n is not as volatile as many other liquid 
fuels and is consequently less dangerous than many other fuels. As a second choice, we recommend white gasoline/heptane/
Coleman fuel. White gasoline is less volatile and its vapour and fumes are less hazardous than those of car gasoline.

Methylated alcohol/spirits can be used. Always apply the alcohol jet (2508, marked ‘A’) when using methylated alcohol/
spirits. The alcohol jet has a larger orifi ce than the original jet (2509, marked ‘M’ - Multifuel) which is used for other fuels. 
Please  note  that  methylated  alcohol/spirits  contains  less  energy  than  other  recommended  fuels.  Consequently,  use  of 
methylated alcohol/spirits will in comparison with other fuels give less output and result in a higher fuel consumption.
The Hiker can in most cases use automobile diesel. In some countries, however, diesel is too crude and has a too high 
boiling/vaporization point. This could typically be the case with marine diesel. In such cases, the diesel will not vaporize and 
can not be used in your Hiker. This can be noticed if the burner fl ame is high, sooting, and yellow despite thorough priming.


1. Open the lid of the stove’s box and slide out the tank.

2. When using kerosene/paraffi n, gasoline or diesel there is normally no need to use the slide valve (9060), consequently 
the slide valve may be removed from the burner and kept in a safe place. When using methylated alcohol/spirits, the alcohol 
jet (2508) must be fi tted. Change jets by using the tip of the multikey. Furthermore, when using methylated alcohol/spirits, 
the slide valve must be fi tted and pushed in fully (i.e. in position for minimum air mixture).

3.  Refer  to  II.  Fuel  above  for  permitted  fuels.  Unscrew  the  tank  lid.  Fill  the  fuel  tank  with  0.35  liters  (11  fl .oz.)  of  fuel 
(approximately 2/3 of the tank capacity). A good advise is to use a funnel with a strainer when fi lling fuel. Fit the tank lid tightly.

NOTE: Do not fi ll the tank completely. Always leave air in the tank to be pressurized by pumping. 


In order to vaporize/gasify the fuel, the burner must be primed (preheated). Priming should be done carefully, otherwise the 
stove will not work as designed or even cause hazard. Lighting a stove that is not properly primed will result in high, yellowish 
fl ames.  Please  note  that  in  cold  and  windy  weather  conditions,  priming  takes  longer  time  than  when  it  is  hot  and  calm. 
Similarly, the priming time varies with fuel types. Gasoline/petrol needs shorter priming time (due to earlier vaporization) than 
kerosene/paraffi n and diesel oil. There are two different ways to prime your burner:

A. Priming with fuel contained in the tank:

1. Make sure that the tank lid is tightened and that the multikey is turned fully to the right (fuel supply/spindle closed).

2. Pump some 10-20 full strokes with the pump to pressurize air in the tank. Check for fuel leakages, NEVER prime or light 
the stove if a leakage should occur.

3. Turn the multikey to the left (open fuel supply/spindle). Fuel will now come out of the burner jet and pour down on the
priming wick. When the wick is moisted in fuel (some 2-3 teaspoons), immedeately turn the multikey to full right (close

4. Light the wick with a match. The fuel contained in the wick will now burn and preheat the burner. 

Keep your head clear

from the stove when lighting the wick.

B. Priming with methylated alcohol, poured directly on the wick:

1. Follow paragraphs 1-2 above. Then pour 2-3 teaspoons of methylated alcohol (does not soot your burner) onto the wick. 
Light the wick as described in paragraph 4 above.


1. When the priming fuel has burnt out, immediately turn the multikey to the left. 

Keep your head clear

 from the stove and 

light the vapourized/gasifi ed fuel with a match.

2. The stove should now produce a controlled, silent , blueish fl ame. If the fl ames are high and yellowish or if it has a roaring 
sound, the burner is not suffi ciently primed - turn off the stove (multikey to the right) and repeat priming.

3. Pump to obtain desired fl ame. Adjust output by turning the multikey (left-boil, right-simmer).

4. Do not keep the multikey attached to the spindle when the stove is in use. If attached, the multikey may get very hot.

5. If necessary (normally only when using methylated alcohol/spirits), adjust the air mixture with the slide valve. This is done 
by hooking the edge of the slide valve on the tip of the multikey and then gently pulling/pushing the slide valve until optimal 
fl ame is obtained (i.e. a blueish controlled fl ame). If, when using other fuels than methylated alcohol/spirits, the fl ame has 
a tendency to leave the outer cap (2183) or to go out, it may be necessary to fi t the slide valve on the burner and adjust it 
until the fl ame is optimal.

6. To turn off the stove, turn the multikey completely to the right.


All fuel kinds can contain impurities which may eventually clog the jet. The burner of your Hiker stove is equipped with a 
unique cleaning needle which permits clearing the jet when the stove is in use: (Check how the needle works when stove 
is not in use.)

1. Turn the multikey quickly to a complete left and then back again. During this operation, a needle will rise through the jet 
orifi ce and push out dirt. Keep a match ready if the fl ame should go out during the clearing.


1. Turn the multikey fully to the right.

2. If the stove is to be disassembled/not to be used for a while, air pressure should be released from the fuel tank. Turn off the 
stove and let it cool off, then open the tank lid slowly. Air pressure will now escape. Remember to tighten the tank lid
when pressure has been released.


1.  Make  a  habit  of  keeping  your  stove  clean. Wipe  off  dirty  components  with  a  cloth.  If  necessary,  use  a  few  drips  of 
methylated alcohol/spirits for cleaning.

2. The leather cup of the pump rod is a key component. Should the leather cup get dry (squeeking and sluggish operation), 
it may crack and cause pump malfunction. Lubricate the leather cup from time to time, and especially when the stove has 
not been in use for a long period of time. Unscrew the pump rod, pull it out and lubricate the leather cup in mineral oil or 
grease (pref. silicone based). If you intend to use your stove in severe cold, make sure that the lubricant used will cope with 
low temperatures.

3. Should a small fl ame occur by the stuffi ng box (2194) or the jet, turn off the stove. Tighten the stuffi ng box or the jet by 
using the multikey. Repeat if necessary.

4. If the inner cap (located under the outer cap 2183) is not fi tted in its right position, air/fuel mixture will be affected which 
may result in a yellowish fl ame. Should this occur, turn off the stove, remove the outer cap (bayonet joint) and push down
the inner cap as far as possible on the burner air tube. Refi t outer cap again.


Spare parts kits are available containing all wear parts of the Hiker’s burner. If necessary, parts may easily be replaced. The 
replacement of spare parts can be done using the multikey. To dis-/reassemble the burner spindle, proceed as follows:

1. Make sure the stove has cooled off. Empty the fuel tank.
2. Unscrew the outer cap (2183) (bayonet joint).
3. Using the multikey, unscrew the jet.
4. Attach multikey to the spindle (2191) and turn it to the left until the cleaning needle (2457) is released. Lift out (w. a pair 
of tweezers) or shake out the cleaning needle.
5. Unscrew the stuffi ng box (2194) by using the cap key at the end of the multikey.
6. Turn the spindle to the left until it is released from its threading. Pull out the spindle with graphite packing (2094) and 
spindle washer (2193).
7.  Fit  new  spindle  washer  and  graphite  packing  on  spindle. The  conical  groove  of  the  washer  should face  the  graphite 
packing. Screw in the new spindle fully into the burner.
8. Fit the new stuffi ng box.
9. Turn the spindle fully to the right.
10. Attach the new cleaning needle at the end of a match (or similar) and slide it down through the burner air tube to its 
position. Make sure the teeth of the needle are facing the teeth of the spindle.
11. Very gently press the cleaning needle against the spindle while simultaneously turning the spindle slowly appr. 1/2 of a 
rev. to the left (during this operation, the needle should ‘skip’ 4-5 teeth of the spindle).
12. With multikey attached to the spindle, turn it fully.to the right to make sure the cleaning needle is retracted into the 
13. Fit a new jet tightly and refi t the outer cap. Make sure the outer cap is secured (bayonet joint).
14. Turn the multikey/spindle fully to the left and ensure that the cleaning needle rises through the jet. Turn the spindle to a 
full right again- Make sure that the valve is fully closed by, for example, pumping up a good pressure in the tank - no air should 
escape through the jet. If air escapes, the position of the cleaning needle must be readjusted. Follow paragraph 11 above but 
reduce the number of teeth to ‘skip’ by one.


1. Empty the fuel tank.
2. Unscrew and pull out the pump rod.
3. Use the tip of the multikey to unscrew the pump valve (2253V). Pull/shake out the pump valve from the pump tube. Make 
sure the packing is also removed.
4. Fit new pump valve with packing tightly. Refi t the pump rod. Be careful not to deform or fold the leather cup.

Diagram 4.

To tighten/unscrew the stuffi ng box,
use the capped key of the multikey.

Illustration 4.

Använd multinyckelns fasta sex-kant-
nyckel för att efterdraga/skruva loss
brännarens packbox.

Diagram 1a & 1b.

Multikey attached to the burner spindle.
Turn the spindle to the left (+) to open
fuel supply/increase output. When mul-
tikey is turned to a full left, the cleaning
needle clears the jet orifi ce. Turn the
spindle to the right (-) to close fuel sup-
ply/simmer. When spindle is turned to a
full right, stove turns off.

Diagram 2.

When necessary, adjust air/fuel mixture
by gently pushing/pulling the slide
valve (9060). Hook the tip of the multi-
key onto the slide valve as shown in
the diagram.

Illustration 2.

Om nödvändigt, justera bränsle-/luft-
blandingen genom att försiktigt skjuta
in/dra ut luftspjället (9060). Haka multi-
nyckeln i luftspjället som illustrationen

Diagram 3.

To tighten/unscrew the burner jet, fi rst
remove outer cap (2183) and then tigh-
ten/unscrew the jet using the tip of the multikey.

Illustration 3.

För att efterdraga/skruva loss brännarens
munstycke, avlägsna först ytterhuven
(2183) och drag sedan åt/skruva ur mun-
stycket med hjälp av multinyckelns spets.

Illustration 1a&1b.

Multinyckeln påsatt på brännarens spindel.
Vrid multinyckeln åt vänster (+) för att    
öppna bränsletillförseln/öka effekten. När
multinyckeln vrids helt åt vänster rensar
rensnålen brännarens munstycke. Vrid mul-
tinyckeln åt höger (-) för att stänga bränsle-
tillförseln/minska effekten. När multinyckeln
vrids helt åt höger stängs köket av.
