Manual for installation and use
Code 131002 EN
2014-02-06 Rev.F
The user of this system must carefully read the specific warnings provided in this
manual. It is the responsibility of the operator to guarantee the assigned personnel a
thorough knowledge of the instrument’s operation before use. In no case is OPTIKON
2000 S.p.A. liable for any burns or accidental or consequential damage caused to the
buyer, operators or patients following the use of the product.
The use of the system is subject to professional medical evaluation. OPTIKON 2000
S.p.A. is not liable for any clinical problem resulting from an incorrect use of this
apparatus and does not provide any medical recommendation.
OPTIKON 2000 S.p.A. declares to be responsible for the safety, reliability and
performance only if:
updates, calibrations and repairs are carried out by personnel which has been
authorised by OPTIKON 2000 S.p.A.;
the system is used in compliance with the user instructions;
the electrical system to which the system is connected proves to be in compliance
with IEC safety regulations.
Every effort has been made so that all the illustrations and information precisely
represent the product and its operation as they were at the time this manual was
printed. It is possible, however, that during the existence of this manual
modifications have been made in order to continue to effectively satisfy the needs of
the users. At times, such modifications are made without advance notice.
OPTIKON 2000 S.p.A.
Via del Casale di Settebagni, 13
00138 Rome - Italy
Tel. +39 06 8888355
Fax. +39 06 8888440
The information contained in this manual is the exclusive property of OPTIKON 2000
S.p.A. Partial or total reproduction of this manual is permitted only upon written
authorisation by OPTIKON 2000 S.p.A.