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IV. Observation tube
Field of view of one eye does not
match that of the other.
Interpupillary distance is incorrect Adjust interpupillary distance
Incorrect diopter adjustment
Adjust diopter
Your view is not accustomed to
microscope observation
Quando guarda il campione non focalizzi
lo sguardo in un unico punto ma guardi
l’intero campo visivo a disposizione. Peri
odicamente distolga lo sguardo e guardi un
punto distante, dopodichè torni ad analiz
zare il campione.
V. Microphotography
Image edge is unfocused
To a certain extent it is due to ach
romatic objectives features
To minimize the problem, set the aperture
diaphragm in a proper position
Bright spots appear on the image
Stray light entering in the mi
croscope through eyepieces or
camera viewfinder
Cover eyepieces and viewfinder with a
dark cloth