Distance Scale
The scale allows you to measure either the distance
of an object if the height is known, or the height of an
object if the distance is known.
The unit ‘mil’ is used on the scale. One scale
division is 5 mils and equivalent to an object of height
5m being viewed at a distance of 1000m.
To calculate either the distance or height of an object:
Distance [m] = Height[m] x1000 / No. of mils
Height [m] = Distance[m] x no. of mils / 1000
The Marine-2 is fitted with a ø30mm graduated compass
in degrees suitable for use in the northern hemisphere.
N =360º, S =180º, E=90º and W=270º.
To use, simply hold the binoculars in the viewing
position [horizontal] and focus on an object.
250 260 270
5 mils