Other available applications
Besides this batch demo application, there are other applications available on our web site that might fit your
specific use case better.
Software V3727x: OPN2001 simulation application
This application turns the OPN2004/5/6 and PX20 into an OPN2001-compatible batch scanner.
Use this OPN application in combination with the OPN2001 PC application for Windows (or develop your own
application using the SDK that's available for the OPN2001).
Note: When planning to use the OPN2004/5/6 solely as a standard OPN2001, so without Bluetooth or the need to
run other applications, please note the following (hardware) differences:
The OPN2004/5/6 don’t support laser aiming (laser dot)
The OPN2004/5/6 can’t change their scan angle to shorten the laser line
The flash disk of the OPN2004/5/6 is slower than the storage method of the OPN2001
The PX20 supports 2D-symbologies
Software V3791x: Bluetooth demo application
The Bluetooth demo application demonstrates the Bluetooth capabilities of the OPN2005, OPN2006 and PX20.
The following features are currently supported:
Connecting to a remote device (as master) and transmitting data using Bluetooth SPP (analogous to USB-VCP)
Making the OPN2005/6 or PX20 connectable (as a slave device) and discoverable to allow a remote host device
to connect with the OPN2005/6 or PX20, and subsequently allowing the transmission of data using Bluetooth
Making the OPN2005/6 or PX20 connectable (as a slave device) and discoverable as a Bluetooth HID (keyboard)
device to allow a remote host device to connect with the OPN2005/6 or PX20 , subsequently allowing the
transmission of data as if it were being typed on the remote host device
Reconnecting to a paired remote device (as master) to quickly reestablish a lost Bluetooth SPP or HID connection
without having to reenter a PIN code
Opticon Universal Menu Book support and configuration using Opticon serial commands
iPhone / iPad compatibility (remote wake and virtual keyboard toggle)
Secure Simple Pairing (SSP) using the “Just works” model
USB-VCP and USB-HID support when not connected to Bluetooth