Important: Please use the installation procedure below. Improper, or no
operation may result if the start-up sequence is not correctly followed.
Step 1
Carefully unpack the contents of the shipping group and Ensure
host or
peripheral equipment is powered up.
Step 2
The M4-200 Firewire repeater boxes are identical. Identify one as upstream
(or host) and downstream (or peripheral).
Step 3
Prepare a duplex LC patch cord fiber-optic cable (Multi-Mode Glass Optical
Fiber with 62.5/125 µm or 50.0/125 µm core). Attach the two LC connector
fiber cables
with no power applied to any system component as follows:
(Upstream) to
(Upstream) to
Figure 2
– End View of M4-200 Repeater
Step 4
Connect the upstream box to the host computer using a copper Firewire cable
by plugging into the host computer Firewire card and the upstream box
Firewire port (either one).
Connect the downstream box to the peripheral equipment in a similar manner.
Step 5
If there are non-Opticis external power supplies to be attached, do so now.
e.g. block power supplies for laptop Firewire PC cards, downstream
appliances, etc. Do
attach the Opticis power supplies until instructed to
do so.
Figure 3
– Side View of M4-200 Repeater
1-3 Installation
Step 6
Power on the host and peripheral equipment. At this point, there must be
external power supplies
plugged into the M4-200 upstream or downstream
Step 7
Observe the Power Light Emitting Diode on the side of the boxes.
If the upstream box LED is illuminated,
no external power supply is
Likewise if the downstream box LED is illuminated,
no external power
supply is required
Step 8
If both Power LEDs are illuminated, then the Firewire link is active. Proceed
with the software bring-up on the host system. Ignore further steps
Step 9
If one or both of the upstream/downstream Power LEDs are dark, then power
down all equipment and plug in one or two Opticis power supplies.
Step 10
Power on complete system. Both upstream/downstream LEDs should be
illuminated. Proceed with host software bring-up.
M4-201 installation (Daisy-Chain)
Step 1
Power off M4-200, host and peripheral equipment first. Prepare two duplex
LC patch cord fiber-optic cable (Multi-Mode Glass Optical Fiber with 62.5/125
µm or 50.0/125 µm core). Attach the four LC connector fiber cables with no
power applied to any system component as follows:
(M4-200) to
(M4-200) to
Figure 4
– End View of M4-201 Repeater
Step 2
Connect the M4-200 box to the host computer and M4-201 to the peripheral
equipment using a copper Firewire cable and attach two LC connector fiber
cables in between M4-200 and M4-201 boxes.
1-4 Installation (continued)