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Fast Focus C11/C14
Secondary Focuser Installation
Overview: The Fast Focus focuser was designed to conserve the limited back focus of the Edge HD
telescopes. By focusing the secondary mirror small amounts, we are able to move the focal plane of the
scope. Traditionally this has been done with the primary mirror, but due to mirror flop this issue is not
ideal. Many users have found the use of a Crayford focuser beneficial to reduce mirror flop. This does
work quite well, but with the addition of AO units, off axis guiders, filter wheels, and focal reducers, the
limited amount of back focus is easily consumed.
Installation: Installing the Fast Focus onto the telescope is quite easy. The basic idea is to remove the
mirror and attach it to an adapter that will then attach to the Fast Focus. Finally, the entire assembly is
threaded on my means of another adapter – specific to the C11/C14 corrector thread.
1. Unscrew corrector pinch ring