Safety Precautions
Intellectual property rights/Portrait rights
• In case that all or part of the data you shot or recorded by
the product or obtained data downloaded via the Internet are
protected by intellectual property rights owned by the third parties,
you are not allowed to copy, distribute, transmit to public or
change except the cases permitted by the copyright law such as
copying or quoting for the purpose of personal use.
Also, you should refrain from unauthorized use or modification
of other’s portraits or names because doing so may violate the
portrait rights.
Note that shooting and recording may be restricted at some live
performances, shows and exhibitions even for personal use.
• Be careful about the copyright and portrait rights when posting
photos you shot etc. on Internet web pages.
Backup content on the product
• Please back up important content recorded to the product or
downloaded to the product from an outside source. Content
recorded to memory on the product sometimes disappears or is
altered by unexpected factors, such as static electricity or a fault,
repair, mishandling, etc.