Note: It takes about 1 minute for the 6H30 tube to reach its normal operating point,
and only slight sonic improvement will be noticed after 5 minutes.
Open / Close
Pushing down the top of the knob on the left hand side of the front panel using a finger will
open the CD tray loader, and the CD can be placed in the tray.
To close the CD tray loader, push down the same position of the knob one more time.
The CD tray loader can also be closed by pushing the tray loader gently inwards.
Play / Pause
Lifting up the bottom of the knob on the right hand side of the front panel using a finger
makes the player start playing. If the bottom of the knob is lifted up when a track is playing
the player will go into pause mode. One more lift up at the same position of the knob and
the player will start playing again from the same position on the CD. The pause function is
indicated by the display flashing the track and time when the pause was selected.
Pushing down the top of the knob on the right hand side of the front panel using a finger
makes the player stop playing the CD.
Next track
Pushing rightward the middle left knob on the right hand side of the front panel makes the
player jump to the next track on the CD. For every time this action is done the player will
move one track forward.