OpenText Tableau TD2u Forensic Duplicator
The Information Company
Model #
IDE signal cable to connect IDE
hard disks to the TD2u. Do not use
the TC6-8 IDE cable to connect
notebook drive adapters to the
TD2u. Use the shorter TC6-2 IDE
cable shown with the TKA5-AD
adapter pack below.
USB 2.0 cable. Used to connect the
TD2u to a host computer for
firmware updates.
Quick Start card for the TD2u kit.
Do not discard the foam packaging. It is designed to fit several industry-standard hard-
sided carrying cases. If you received the TD2u kit in the cardboard box shipped by
Tableau, you can buy a hard-sided case and reuse the foam insert directly in that case.
2.3 Navigating the TD2u
When using the TD2u, you may be prompted to enter certain information into the display.
Use the up/down/left/right arrow keys and the center button to select values.
While you are entering information, the TD2u displays two soft key functions at the
bottom of the LCD display. The soft keys perform major actions such as selecting a task,
canceling a function, or moving between different display screens. Use the arrow keypad
to navigate within a given screen/menu. The function of the soft keys depends on the
current context. The soft keys might have functions such as
, as they
do during the Configuration Wizard. The soft keys might also serve to select items like