Replacing the Battery
Follow these steps to replace the battery:
1. Open the U30 enclosure and disconnect the external power source (AC adapter
or solar panel) first, then the battery, and finally any Smart Sensors. For U30/GSM
and U30/Wi-Fi models, use a 5/16” wrench to unscrew the antenna connection.
For the U30/Ethernet model, disconnect the Ethernet cable.
2. Use a Phillips-head screwdriver to remove the four screws at the corners of the
logger (clear inner case), and then remove the logger.
3. Use a Phillips-head screwdriver to remove the bar that secures the battery.
4. Remove the battery. Remove the cable from the old battery.
5. Remove the protective caps from the terminals of the replacement battery.
7. Install the battery with the positive (+) terminal towards the upper right corner of
the case. Insert the battery at an angle, with the bottom against the shelf in the
case, as shown. Press the battery down flat into place and then push it to the right
to make room for the cable. Make sure the cable is positioned as shown below,
routed between the battery and center left post. This ensures the cable will be able
to reach the battery connector on the logger when that is added back in later.
6. Connect the red wire of the cable to the positive (+) terminal and the black wire
to the negative (-) terminal. Terminals are color coded. ALWAYS confirm polarity.