Onset HOBO ZW Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 2



© 2010–2012 Onset Computer Corporation. All rights reserved. Onset, HOBO, and HOBOware are 
trademarks or registered trademarks of Onset Computer Corporation. All other trademarks are the 
property of their respective companies. 

13542-D MAN-ZW-QSG 


If the node is not able to join the network, it will stop 
the alternate blinking pattern after a minute and then 
start blinking red. Move it to another location or adjust 
the orientation of the node against the mounting 
surface and repeat step 5 again. 


If the alternate blinking pattern lasts for more than 2 
minutes, try resetting the node again (steps 3 and 4) 
and then putting it back in Form Network mode (step 5). 



Repeat steps 2 through 5 until you have placed all router 
nodes one at a time, from the closest to the receiver to 
the farthest. Before you proceed to the each new node, 
identify which existing active node will provide a 
communication path from the new node back to the 
receiver. Refer to the Signal Attenuation chart in the 

HOBO Data Node Deployment Guide

 to understand the 

impact of the obstructions in the path between nodes. 

Add end-point data nodes 

Once all the router nodes are active, you can add end-point, 
battery-powered data nodes. Before you deploy an end-point 
data node, identify the nearest ACTIVE router node(s) that will 
provide connectivity to the receiver. If more than one router 
can provide connectivity, then this path redundancy will 
improve the self-healing property and robustness of the 



Make sure the receiver is still in “Form Network” mode. 
Click the Form Network button in HOBOnode Manager if 
it is not. 



Connect any external sensors to the data node if 



Add batteries to the node. With a wire paper clip, press 
and hold the reset button for 5 seconds to erase any 
previous network information that the node may have 
been saving. The red LED will blink multiple times and 
then stop blinking. 



Disconnect any power to the node (remove any batteries 
and unplug the AC adapter). Wait for one minute, then 
install the batteries to power the node again. Do not plug 
in the AC adapter. 



Using the paper clip again, press the reset button once (a 
quick 1-second push) to put the node in “Form network 
mode.” The green and red LEDs will alternate blinking. 


If the node finds a communication path to the receiver 
within a minute, the alternate blinking will stop and 
the green LED will blink. The node will display as 
ACTIVE in the device table in HOBOnode Manager. 
Now you may mount the node with the mounting 
bracket. Also consider labeling the node in HOBOnode 
Manager and writing the same label on the node 
sticker (see “Label nodes” in the next section for more 


If the node is not able to join the network, it will stop 
the alternate blinking pattern after a minute and then 
start blinking red. Move it to another location and 
repeat step 5 again. 


If the alternate blinking pattern lasts for more than 2 
minutes, try resetting the node again (steps 3 and 4) 
and then putting it back in Form Network mode (step 5). 



Repeat steps 2 through 4 until you have placed all data 



Once all devices have joined the network and appear in 
the device table, click the X in the Form Network 
Progress indicator to exit Form Network mode. 

Customize the network with  
HOBOnode Manager 

Use HOBOnode Manager to customize the network to work for 
your site. 

Configure external sensors 

The device table in HOBOnode Manager lists all nodes that 
joined the network. Current readings for internal sensors and 
any external Temp/RH sensors are automatically displayed in 
the table with an ACTIVE status. All additional sensor channels 
are disabled by default and listed as OFF in the Status column 
as shown below. 


If you are using any external sensors other than the external 
Temp/RH, you must configure the sensors in HOBOnode 
Manager to record measurements. 



Double-click the row in the table for the sensor you wish 
to configure. 



In the Configure Sensor window, select the appropriate 
Sensor Type from the drop-down list. Add a label if 



Click OK. The status for that sensor will change to ACTIVE. 

If no data or incorrect measurements appear for an external 
sensor, make sure the sensor has been configured as described 
above and the correct sensor type was selected. 

Plot the measurements 

Click the checkbox in the Plot column in the device table for any 
nodes/sensors you wish to plot (up to 20 maximum). It may 
take a few minutes for data to start appearing in the plot. 

Adjust logging and connection intervals 

By default, data nodes will record measurements once every 
minute and send data to the receiver every two minutes. To 
change these logging and connection intervals for a device, 
double-click that device in the table. Change the intervals and 
click OK. You can also change the default intervals in the 
Preferences (click the Actions button in HOBOnode Manager 
and select Edit Data Node Preferences). 

Label nodes 

It is helpful to label each node in HOBOnode Manager as you 
deploy it and write the same label on the node sticker (included 
in the data node or router packaging). Double-click the <Enter 
label here> field in the device table in HOBOnode Manager to 
add a label to a node. Then, write the same name on the sticker 
and affix it to the node. 

Remove nodes 

To remove a node from the network, double-click the node in 
the device table in HOBOnode Manager and then click the 
Remove Node button. Unplug the AC adapter if connected and 
remove any batteries. 

Additional resources 

For additional guidelines on deploying the network, including 
information about using brackets for spatial orientation of the 
nodes and details on the node LEDs, refer to the 

HOBO Data 

Node Deployment Guide

 available on onsetcomp.com. A list of 

frequently asked questions about the ZW wireless system is 
also available on onsetcomp.com 

Refer to the help system in HOBOware or the 

HOBOware User’s 


for additional details on working with HOBOnode 

Manager and the devices in the network, including setting 
alarms, setting up a network map, creating groups, exporting 
data, and much more. 





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