1. Continual
We employ the best engineers both in Australia and around the world to
develop new and better ways to take water further.
2. Operational
There is only one standard that we set ourselves for both product quality
and the quality of our service. That standard is excellence... to have no-
one better than us at what we do... nothing short of that is acceptable.
Our commitment to quality is reinforced with our ISO accreditation.
3. A
Onga products are neither the cheapest nor the most expensive in their
fi eld. Our products do, on the other hand, always represent very good
value for money; they always have and they always will
Our Team of Dealers
The hand picked authorised Onga dealer network throughout Australia
and worldwide are second to none. We invest considerable time and
resources training and supporting them through the Onga Training
Technologically advanced solutions for moving and
treating water in the Home, Garden, Pool and Spa.
Innovative Stock and Crop water management
solutions for Primary Industries.
Water movement products for Building services,
Emergency services and Original Equipment
Relax - you’ve bought an ...
Congratulations on your decision to purchase an Onga product. Onga is one of the
best know brands in its fi eld, with a proud local and international reputation.
Onga is a brand for reliability, value for money and technological innovation. You
will fi nd Onga product wherever people need to move water in 3 broad markets