and slowly drive the bearing until it is flush with the top of the casting. Now there are 2 ways to
proceed. One is to find a round object (large socket, steel tube, steel rod, etc.) that will contact the outer
race and also fit through the opening in the casting and use this object to further tap the bearing to the
bottom of the cavity. The other way is to use a short wooden dowel ½ or ¾” in diameter and to tap the
outer race with small taps as you work the dowel around the perimeter of the outer race as you
gradually drive the bearing down to the bottom. When the first bearing is installed, follow with the
spacer ring
(you don’t want to forget this) then; repeat the same process with the top bearing. Then
install the retaining ring.
An Important Detail
After the bearings and retaining ring has been installed
but before the bowl is installed,
it is very
important that you cover the top of the upper bearing with grease. It makes no difference what the
quality of the grease is because it is not being used for lubrication it is serving as a barrier to prevent air
born concrete dust from reaching the top bearing. We suggest using grade 3 wheel bearing grease with
a putty knife and fill the entire cavity (about 3/16” deep) t
hat exists above the top bearing. This will
prevent dust infiltration which is the main cause of this
failure. The attached Photo shows the
top bearing before and after grease has been applied.