Power supply: DC 9 v alkaline or AC adaptor (Onerr model PA-21 or PA-23)
Current draw: 30 mA
Controls: Sens (Sensibility), Attack and Range
Switch: turn on/off effect and Pitch (normal/inverse)
Indicators: indicator on/off led
Jacks: input, output and AC adaptor
Input impedance: > 470 kOhm
Frequency response: 40 to 10000 Hz
Frequency sweep: 740 Hz to 2200 Hz
Dimentions: 130 mm (D) x 74 mm (W) x 61 mm (H)
Weight : 1 lb 6 oz (630g)
*The above specifications are subjetc to change without prior notice.
Manufactured in Brazil by
Microtronix Eletrônica Ltda.
Printed in Brazil – 28000951