User Manual and Technical Guide The O'Neil microFlash Series of Printers
microFlash Configuration
Remove a PCX File
To remove a .PCX file from your download list, simply highlight the file
name and press the Remove button. The PCX file will be removed from
the list. It will not be removed from your O’Neil directory. Thus, it can
be added back at a later time.
Graphic PCX Formats
Graphic images are accepted in a standard .PCX format. PCX files for
Graphic download must be:
Version 0.0, 3.0 or 5.0.
Generated for 203 dpi resolution.
Saved in a black and white format.
These requirements are mandatory. But most artwork packages output
.PCX graphics in the proper format.
Be sure that areas on your receipt or label that will hold graphics are
dimensionally defined to be the exact size, in dots, as the graphic symbol
to be printed on it.
Object Information
The Information button gives you information about the graphic you
have highlighted.
After checking the name and description of this graphic, click on
this is the graphic you wish to download.