OAS Vortex DCS Owner’s Manual O.A.S. 2013
Caution: Wood dust and air moving through a plastic hose creates static electricity. All hoses provided by
OAS are static dissipating. Use only the hoses provided. Do NOT use hose that is not static dissipating.
Shock hazard or ignition of flammable mixture may result!
Normal Utility Hose:
- A tough elastomer urethane, static dissipating hose reinforced with a vinyl coated spring steel
wire helix and two molded cuffs.
- Available in 1” to 1.5” inner diameters in 1/4” increments. Sold in lengths of 35’.
- Can effectively be cut and attached with expanding or reducing cuff.
Normal Utility Stretch Hose:
- A vinyl and urethane static dissipating hose with a vinyl coated wire helix that has a 4:1 stretch
ratio and comes with two molded cuffs. Hose retracts with movement of sander.
- A 20’ compressed hose expands to 80’. Only available in 20’ - 80’ lengths.
- This hose can NOT be effectively cut and attached with a new cuff.
Hoses will take on the color of the wood sanded due to a light coating of dust on the inside of the hose.
If you experience a clog in the hose, reverse the flow of air through the hose by hooking the other end up to the vacuum. If
this doesn’t work, blow one end out with compressed air outside. If it still persists, work the clogged dust from the outside
with your hands or bang gently on the ground with the vacuum on.
Hoses should be periodically inspected for leaks in the length and at the end cuffs.
- Hose Sizes for Equipment
Before starting job, make sure filters have been thoroughly cleaned with compressed air.
Sand Paper Hose Size
Drum Sander
Palm Sander
Vacuum Floor
with Brush
11 - 36 Grit
36 - 150 Grit
1 1/2”
35 - 70 ft.
All Grits
All Grits
All Screens
1” - 1 1/2”
70 ft.
1 1/2”
70 ft.
1 1/4” or 1 1/2”
35 - 70 ft.
1 1/2”
Very aggressive sanding. Drum sanding with coarse grit. Soft woods or
stripping varnish.
- Pine & Fur - 1 1/2” dia. hose.
Clarke edgers need 1 1/4” or 1 1/2” hose for proper dust collection.
Smaller hoses will clog with debris.
*Note: Pull Flex Hose out of coiled positions avoiding tight and unnecessary loops and bends. Material will flow more easily.
*Note: Use only the amount of hose that is necessary to do the job. Extended lengths will impair waste pick-up at cyclone. Shorter lengths
will improve waste removal at cyclone, especially for aggressive sanding.