IDK Installation
Double click on the installer downloaded from
ON Semiconductor.
For 32 bit machines, install IDK Installer x86.exe. For 64
bit machines, install IDK Installer x86 64.exe
Figure 17. IDK Installation (1/5)
Read the license, check the box and click Next.
Figure 18. IDK Installation (2/5)
Choose the destination directory to install the IDK. It is
recommended to have IDK installed under
C:\OnSemiconductor or D:\OnSemiconductor.
If a previous workspace is being retained, then make sure
that metadata folder inside Workspace directory is deleted.
Figure 19. IDK Installation (3/5)
Figure 20. IDK Installation (4/5)
Once in is successfully installed, a shortcut will be created
on the desktop.
Double click on the IDK shortcut on the desktop to launch
the IDK IDE.
The ON Semiconductor splash screen will launch,
followed by the Welcome Screen.
Figure 21. IDK Installation (5/5)