Network Settings − Static IP Address
The MatrixCam VDK static IP address is
by default. Follow the steps in section “GUI Interface
Initiation” described above to access the GUI using static IP
settings. Default static IP settings can be found in Figure 10.
Network Settings − Steps to Enable DHCP
Follow the procedure below to enable Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP) for automatic assignment
of the MatrixCam VDK IP address:
1. Start up the MatrixCam VDK and access the GUI
using static IP address.
2. Log in (Username: admin; Password: admin)
3. Go to “Configuration” menu.
4. Press “Network” tab and enable DHCP
(Figure 10).
5. Click on “Apply/Save” tab and click on “OK” to
confirm the action.
6. The MatrixCam VDK will reboot and get DHCP
IP address.
7. Open the GUI using the DHCP IP address.
It is assumed a 300 Mbps router (for instance TP-LINK) is
properly configured in DHCP mode (DHCP server) at first.
Connect the MatrixCam VDK with router’s LAN port via
a LAN network cable. Use another LAN network cable for
PC-router LAN connection to check the MatrixCam VDK
DHCP IP address (you can optionally check the
MatrixCam VDK DHCP IP either via router’s interface or
via Windows Explorer in your PC). You can also check the
MatrixCam VDK DHCP IP by connecting USB debug
cable. Open respective terminal based on your OS and
type Login as “root”. Type “ifconfig” on terminal and check
IP address of eth0. This is the new DHCP IP address
assigned to the MatrixCam VDK by router.
Network Settings − Steps to Enable Wi-Fi Streaming
through GUI
Follow the procedure below to enable Wi-Fi streaming
through GUI:
1. Access the GUI interface.
2. Go to “Configuration” menu.
3. Press “Network” tab.
4. Go to “WiFi” tab and enable Wi-Fi.
5. Click on “Search” button.
6. Click on desired ESSID to be connected or
optionally enter the ESSID in the text field.
7. Select the Network Security type as: NONE, WEP
or WPA
8. Enter the desired AP/router password (“Key”).
9. Set the “IP Mode” preferably to “DHCP” mode to
get DHCP Wi-Fi IP address (static Wi-Fi
IP address option is also available).
10. Click on “Apply/Save” tab and click on “OK” to
confirm the action.
11. Wait at least 30 seconds. You will get the Wi-Fi IP
address in the field provided at the webpage. You
will see “Status” field change from “Not
Connected” to “Connected”.
12. Use the Wi-Fi IP address to see the GUI interface.
13. Wi-Fi streaming is enabled (you can now unplug
the MatrixCam VDK LAN network cable).
It is assumed your local wireless network is properly
configured using a 300 Mbps router (for instance TP-LINK)
when attempting Wi-Fi streaming through GUI.
Figure 10. Network Page − Static IP Settings