CX-Server OPC
CX-Server LITE
OPC Data Types Supported
Unsigned long
Unsigned short
Support for Arrays
CX-Server OPC compatibility
Support for OPC data access v1.0 or v2.0
CX-Server OPC will work with any OPC compliant client supporting v1.0 or v2.0 of OPC
data access.
CX-Server OPC has been tested and is currently used with many leading SCADA packages
Support for Redundant PLCs
Any PLC supporting function blocks and Ethernet can have an identical partner configured
CJ series
CS series
CP series
Support for Redundant Networks
CX-Server OPC supports Ethernet networks for redundant configurations.
Each network for the each device can be configured with a secondary network
Together with the device redundancy this can allow up to 4 levels of redundancy.
PLCs configured as a redundant pair will both write to the device network so the device
network must be able to handle this. ProfiNet is the recommended network for this.
Functionality available to software
developers using CX-Server OPC
client software
Read and write OPC items synchronously
Receive or stop updates of a specific OPC item at a specified regular interval.
Perform operations when CX-Server OPC receives and updated item.
Advanced functionality available
to software developers using CX-Server Lite
Read and write values or memory areas in your device.
Receive or stop updates of a specific value on your device at a specified regular interval.
Perform operations when CX-Server Lite receives data from the device.
Open or Close the connection with each device to reduce network bandwidth use.
Change the run mode of your PLC.
Check if there is a suspected problem with the communications by checking the ‘quality’
Check the status of your device
Change the settings for a device
Upload or download programs and function blocks to your PLC.
Get and set the current PLC clock time.
Send raw FINS messages to the device – allowing you to perform complex operations
on device using FINs.
Supported Data types
Support for Arrays