The Nyquist Theorem states that the maximum frequency that may be applied to a sampled data system is one
half the sampling frequency. When signals beyond half the sampling frequency are present, aliasing occurs
which causes the appearance of an inverted spectral image of the audio spectrum to be “folded around” the
lower side of the sampling frequency (it is actually folded symmetrically around both upper and lower
sidebands of the sample frequency, however in professional audio applications only the lower sideband is
usually audible). When this occurs the original signals and the aliases are not separable by any means!
Click on this option to return to the
Adjust Processing
Click on this option to return to the
This submenu provides level adjustments for the audio inputs and the absolute peak operating level of the Analog
XLR, Composite MPX (FM Style Only), AES-3 (AES/EBU) and Livewire outputs. Choices governing the selection
of the input audio source (Analog, AES Digital or Livewire) and signal mode (Stereo or Mono) are also found here.
There is also a setting to disable Livewire if needed.
These I/O settings are generally “set once and forget” parameters, usually adjusted during initial installation and
then left alone. These I/O settings are not saved with a processing preset but can be saved, loaded, deleted or
renamed as “I/O Configurations” using options available in this submenu.
Mtr Select (Meter Select)
Selects whether the
Analog Out
(analog output) levels,
output) levels or
LW Out
(Livewire output)
levels are displayed on the front panel L & R (Left &
Right channel) LED bargraph meters.