O.M.F.B. S.p.A. Hydraulic Components
We reserve the right to make any changes without notice.
Edition 2017.09 No reproduction, however partial, is permitted.
Via Cave, 7/9 25050 Provaglio d’Iseo (Brescia) Italy Tel.: +39.030.9830611
Fax: +39.030.9839207-208 Internet:www.omfb.it e-mail:[email protected]
Codice fascicolo: 997-101-50380
The LINK led only signals radio connection. It comes
on when a TRANSMITTER –RECEIVER connection is
established. If the connection should be terminated,
for various reasons, the led goes off and the RECEI-
VER automatically places itself on emergency LINK.
When turned on the transmitter transmits on a pre-defined channel.
If that channel is not disturbed the link is made, the receiver stays on that channel and the remo-
te control’s Link led comes on.
If the channel is disturbed the Link led does not come on and the operator has to press and re-
lease the ON key which moves to a new channel.
When the ON key is released the Link led flashes fast to indicate that pressure took place and if
the link is on the Link led stays on.
Before proceeding to a further channel change is necessary to wait at least 10 seconds to allow
complete channel scan receiver.
he system allows you to choose between 6 different work channels by repeatedly pres-
sing the ON
button. If the mobile unit has two remote controls, it links to the first one received
so, even if the second remote control is present at the same time, the latter’s packages are igno-
red by the fixed unit.
The system is gauged to guarantee a maximum 5 metre range of action between mo-
bile unit (transmitter) and fixed unit (receiver).
The system was designed to guarantee, where necessary, co-existence and use of 6 systems at
the same time in a 5 metre range.
Where required, the system can be supplied with a second coded transmitter.
4.5 Capacity and several systems co-existing
Codice foglio:997-101-50376 R
ev: AA
Data: V
enerdì 08 novembre 2019