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4. Start using your Omegon AC 70/700 AZ-2
Point the telescope to a distant object
during the day. It is important to do this during daylight
so that you get familiarized with the telescope
operation. A good target is a church tower a chimney or
a distant mountain peak.
Rotate the focuser’s knob so that the focuser tube
moves in and out. Do this slowly. We suggest that you
start by racking the focuser all the way in and slowly
move it out. With the 20mm eyepiece, you should be
able to get a focused image easily.
4.1. The
The Finderscope is a valuable tool to
point the telescope at an object. To operate properly,
the telescope and the finderscope, should be aligned.
The image obtained through the finderscope has a much
broader field of view than that of the telescope. Aligning
means matching the telescope’s image, as seen through
the eyepiece, to the image of the centre of the
finderscope. This way when looking through the
finderscope one knows that the telescope is pointing
exactly to the same point as the finderscope. This is very
useful to point to different objects.
4.2. How to align de finderscope with the
You have the target object – house’s
chimney (example mentioned before) centered at the
telescope’s eyepiece field of view. Now look through the
LED finderscope. The small dot (recticle) at the center of
the finderscope’s field of view should overlay the object
has seen through the telescope. If not, adjust the two
fnderscope’s adjusting screws to get the red point to
move and to overlay to the object as seen through the
telescope. The LED point must be at the center of the
object seen through the telescope’s eyepiece.
Figure 8. The knobs to fix the Alt and Az axis.
Figure 9. Placement of the LED finderscope.
Figure 10. Place diagonal mirror and eyepiece in the focuser’s
barrel (tube). Make sure to use the thumbscrews so that they
do not fall.
Figure 11. Use the focuser’s knob to focus.