Sensor Hysteresis (excursion of 10% to 90% to 10% RH): ±1%RH typical.
Sensor Temperature Dependence: Negligible between 0°C to 50°C.
1. Plug the humidity temperature transducer test leads into the Vdc input jack and
common or ground input jack on the DMM. Observe polarity.
2. Set the DMM to the 200mV range.
3. Rotate counter clockwise to remove the protective metal cap.
4. Set the power switch to the desired %RH or °C range.
5. If the DMM display is over-range. Set the DMM to the 2V range.
6. Read the DMM display. (10mV/°C, 10mV/%RH)
7. Cover sensor head to extend sensor life when not in use.