SSH Server Enable: Check the box to enable remote management using the Secure Shell
SSH Server Port: Enter the SSH server port.
Accept Request From WAN: Check to enable WAN request acceptance
Accept Request From LAN: Check to enable LAN request acceptance
Enable: Check the box to enable automatic remote configuration of your router using the
TR-069 protocol.
Fixed Client Port: Enter the fixed port for the client device.
Server URL: Enter the URL for the TR-069 server to be used.
Bootstrap Enable: Enable the router to act as a bootstrap device.
ACS Username: Enter the Auto Configuration Server username.
ACS Password: Enter the Auto Configuration Server password.
Periodical Inform Enable: Check to allow the router to send messages to the ACS server to
announce its presence.
Periodical Inform Interval: Enter the interval for periodical inform messages.
Connection Request Username: Enter the username for connection requests.
Connection Request Password: Enter the password for connection requests.