M20011 REL-0000 (2103)
User Manual for Smart Manometer
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How to zero Differential or Compound sensors
1. Disconnect from a pressure source and vent the pressure port
to atmosphere.
1. Do not remove the factory installed P2 plug if it is present.
2. The display should read close to zero.
2. Press the
The top line displays dashes
3. The process is complete when the Smart Manometer returns
to the
(Measurement Units) screen.
4. If someone has turned on the
Password Required For Future
feature in HHP400 Suite, the password feature does
not prevent you from zeroing the Smart Manometer.
Note: You can only zero the Smart Manometer if the new zero
value is within ± 5 % (of FS) of the original factory calibrated
zero. If the zero procedure generates a new zero reference
outside this limit, the procedure fails. Factory service may be
5. You can turn off the
function in
HHP400 Suite
Allow zero adjust (Ø)
in the Display Functions list.