In most situations, hot water with a mild liquid detergent is an effective cleanser.
Acetone easily cleans most organic matter, and hypochlorous solutions will remove algae,bacteria, or molds.
To prevent cell damage, abrasives or sharp objects should not be used to clean an electrode.
A cotton swab also works well for cleaning.
After inserting the SD card, the “SD” icon will appear on the bottom of display. When the meter supplied by
batteries, once the icon becomes with SD icon disappeared, it indicates the power is not enough to
activate SD function but other functions are still working, now we suggest the user to use adaptor to power the
meter. Once the battery icon becomes
, it means the power is very weak, and should be replaced the new
batteries for operating the meters.
SD Card Information
Power the meter with AAA batteries or 9V AC/DC adaptor.
Insert an SD card (8G supplied) into the SD card slot at the right side of the meter. The card must be
inserted with the front of the card (label side) facing toward front of the meter.
After inserting the SD card, icon “SD” will appear on the bottom of screen.
If the SD card is being used for the first time it is recommended that the card be formatted.
SD Card Formatting
NOTE: Always confirm that the device is compatible with the SD, SDHC or SDXC memory card before
WARNING: Backup all your data before formatting. Formatting will erase all data on the memory device.
Open the Computer window.
Click the Start or Windows menu and select Computer (Windows Vista/7) or My Computer (Windows XP). For
Windows 8 users, type “computer” and click the Computer icon in the Apps search results. For Windows 10,
open the File Explorer. Then find “This PC”.
Find your SD card.
The removable drive that appears last in the "Devices with Removable Storage" list should be the SD card that
you just connected to your computer. Right-click on your SD card to bring up the right-click menu options. Select
Format. This will take you to the Format window. Keep “Capacity” and “Allocation unit size” set to default.
Select the file system.
This is the way files are stored on the card. Different systems
use different file structures. In order for the SD card to be read
by any device, select FAT32 as the file system. This will enable it to
be read by cameras, phones, printers, Windows, Mac, and Linux
computers, and more.
Select Quick Format.
Click “Start”.
Once the formatting is complete, you can close the window.