Programmable Features
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#1 Selectable Code Override: Default 1 & 0. The valet switch is an important
part of your system; it allows an emergency override for disarming the system in
place of the remote transmitter, and it is crucial to the programming of transmitters
and features. Your system's advanced design includes this programmable feature,
which allows you to configure the valet switch operation for the most convenient
ease of use, or for personally-customized maximum security.
The Selectable Code Override must be entered as part of three of the system's
operations: first, to achieve an override disarming of the system; second, to access
Transmitter Programming Mode; and third, to access Features Programming Mode.
For a more secure access to these operations, the vehicle owner may select the
number of valet switch presses, from 1 to 9 presses, which are needed to achieve
the successful entry of the Selectable Code Override. Additionally, this customized
number of valet switch presses may be "single stage" or "double stage".
As an illustration of this feature, with the default setting of "one and no presses",
to disarm the system without the transmitter, after entering the vehicle, the ignition
switch is turned "on", and the valet switch is pressed once, at which time the sys-
tem will instantly disarm. With a custom-programmed Selectable Code Override of,
for example, "3 and 9 presses", upon entering the vehicle and turning the ignition
"on", the valet switch must be pressed three times. This causes the audible output
(i.e.- horn or siren) to stop sounding and emit one chirp. The audible output
then resumes, and the "stage 2" entry, nine presses must be entered, which achieves
an override and disarms the system. However, if either entry is incorrect, the system
will not disarm. Another override attempt may be made, but two consecutive incor-
rect entries will cause the system to ignore any further attempts for two minutes. If
a customized valet switch entry is desired for the Selectable Code Override, please
note that the "stage 2" is optional; either the first stage only may used, or both the
first and second stages.
To custom program the Selectable Code Override from the default setting, follow
Steps 1, 2, and 3 on pages 28-31. At Step 4, press and release the transmitter's
LOCK button a number of times equal to the desired Selectable Code Override for
stage 1. The system will respond to each transmitter button press with a siren chirp.
After pressing the transmitter button the desired number of times, wait for the sys-
tem to chirp the siren an equal number of times. Now press and release the
transmitter's UNLOCK button a number of times equal to the desired Selectable
Code for stage 2. The system will again chirp the siren in the same fashion as the
code entered for stage 1. Should the system have an unknown customized Select-
able Override Code already entered, the factory-set default of one press and
no press can be obtained by resetting the system: on the bottom of the system
control module is small round access opening with two solder contacts visible be-
low. Use a small slotted screwdriver to short the solder contacts together until the
system responds with a brief sounding of the siren, indicating a successful reset.
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#2 Last Door Arming: Default OFF. This feature automatically arms the system
upon your exiting the vehicle, and is explained in detail on pages 7-8. If desired,
having the doors lock when the system automatically arms may added to this feature's
operation. The Last Door Arming feature is independent of the Automatic Rearming
#3 Automatic Rearming: Default OFF. This feature ensures that your system is
always armed. It is possible, on occasion, to accidentally and unknowingly disarm
the system by having an object press the transmitter button while in a pocket or
purse. If this feature is programmed to operate, the system will automatically rearm
itself 90 seconds after being disarmed, unless the ignition switch is turned "on" or a
door is opened. Also, if the "Doors Lock With Automatic Rearming" feature is uti-
lized, the doors will also lock upon the system automatically rearming.
In daily operation, upon disarming the system, Automatic Rearming is confirmed
by a fast flashing LED status light. Once the ignition switch has been turned "on",
the system will stay in a disarmed condition until it is armed again from the transmit-
ter or by Last Door Arming. Opening a door will also stop Automatic Rearming; it will
be cancelled completely if Last Door Arming is off, and temporarily suspended while
the door is open if Last Door Arming is turned on.
#4 Starter Interrupt Circuit: Default ON. This feature controls the starter inter-
rupt circuit, which operates if this feature is on. Programming this feature off turns off
the starter interrupt output, leaving all other system operations fully functional.
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#5 Automatic Starter Interrupt: Default OFF. Programming this feature "on"
will cause the starter interrupt circuit to automatically engage 90 seconds after the
ignition switch is turned "off", and also 90 seconds after disarming unless the igni-
tion switch is turned "on" during the 90 second period. This feature controls the
starter interrupt circuit independently of all other system functions; the engagement
of starter interrupt will occur even if the system is in an otherwise disarmed state.
Once the starter interrupt output is activated by this feature, the system must be
armed, then disarmed with the transmitter, or placed into the Valet Mode to disen-
gage it in order to start the vehicle.
#6 Ignition Activated Override: Default OFF. This feature allows an activated
system to be overridden and disarmed by simply turning the ignition switch "on"
within 10 seconds of the system being activated. After the 10 second period, the
Selectable Code Override only can be used to disarm the system in place of the
remote transmitter.
#7 Doors Lock With Last Door Arming: Default OFF. This feature adds the
locking of the doors to feature #2; when the system automatically arms 30 seconds
after the vehicle's last door is closed, the doors will also lock.
Doors Lock With Automatic Rearming: Default OFF. This feature adds the
locking of the doors to feature #3; if the system is allowed to automatically rearm
90 seconds after being disarmed from the transmitter, the doors will also lock.
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