Input configuration
: Sub-menu allowing you to configure the logic of all the control unit inputs and associate a function
of your choice to input CN2-1, among: “oil filter, “air filter” and “air pressure switch”. By setting the
configuration equal to 1, the input logic will be denied. Vice versa, if left at 0 the logic will be normal.
Alarms and Warnings
All the alarms that occur are visually displayed on the main screen
in the “Alarms and Warnings Panel”, in the “Machine Status
Summary Panel” (see Main Screen paragraph) and acoustically
via the buzzer.
The acoustic alarm can be immediately silenced by pressing
the “RESET” key, while the alarm indication on the LCD will only
disappear if the cause of the alarm has been resolved.
The last 50 alarms are visible in the “Alarms log“ (see Main menu
paragraph) where you can check their chronological order, the
pressure and temperature in the instant in which they occurred.
The possible alarms are as follows:
Alarm! Minimum temp.
: Having reached the oil minimum temperature, the alarm BLOCKS the compressor. To re-start the
compressor, you need to wait for the temperature to rise above the programmed value.
Alarm! Maximum temp
.: Having reached the oil maximum temperature, the alarm BLOCKS the compressor. To re-start
the compressor, you need to wait for the temperature to go below the programmed value.
Warning! Pre-alarm temp.
: Having reached the oil pre-alarm temperature, the alarm DOES NOT BLOCK the compressor.
Alarm! Temp. sen. fault
: When an anomaly occurs on the oil temperature sensor (sensor short-circuits or open), the alarm
BLOCKS the compressor. To re-start the compressor, you need to replace the probe.
Alarm! Motor thermal switch
: When the main motor thermal switch activates, the alarm BLOCKS the compressor. To
re-start the compressor, wait for the motor to cool down.
Alarm! Fan thermal switch
: When the fan thermal switch activates, the alarm BLOCKS the compressor. To re-start the
compressor, wait for the fan to cool down.
Alarm! Max. press. alarm
: aving reached the maximum permitted pressure, the alarm BLOCKS the compressor. To re-start
the compressor, you have to bring pressure under the maximum pressure programmed.
Alarm! Press. sen. fault
: When a pressure sensor anomaly occurs (sensor broken or disconnected), the alarm BLOCKS
the compressor. To re-start the compressor, you need to reset the probe.
Alarm! Rotation direction err.
: When a wrong sequence of the main motor phases occurs, the alarm BLOCKS the
compressor. To re-start, you need to check the phases sequence is right.
Alarm! Emergency button pressed
: Having pressed the emergency button, the alarm BLOCKS the compressor. To re-
start, you need to reset the emergency button.
CN2= 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9
IN = 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
CFG= 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
OUT= 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
CN2-1 =
Back to previous menu not
Saves the configuration and goes back
to the previously saved menu
Changes configuration
Selects the configuration
of the input to change
Input current status
Input reference
Input configuration
Input final status
Function associated with input CN2-1
Air filter
Configure inputs
NOBEL DV 30-37 CSA - Cod.197EE0612ML - Rev.2 09/2019