EMD Installation and operating manual
Installation guidelines
Keep to the safety rules when working with
pressure equipment.
The EMD should be connected to a pressure
system by ball valve and pipe union.
This way, it is not needed to depressurize the
whole system each time strainer cleaning or other
maintenance takes place.
Make sure that inlet connection has parallel
thread. Do not use tapered thread!
The EMD series could be mounted horizontally (left) or vertically (right). But, it must not be rolled aside
more than ±15°. The horizontal position is preferred in case of a lot of debris in condensed water.
Do not connect several condensed water sources to one drain device because air would bypass filtering
(left). Instead, each spot where condensed water collects must have its own condensate drain device
Drainage piping must be built without traps that would trap air in the EMD and prevent condensed
water to enter it (left). Additional venting would not help because debris collects in the lowest part of
drainge pipe and clogg it (right).
G 1/2"
Internal thread
G 1/2"
Internal thread
G 1/2"
Internal thread
G 1/2"
Internal thread