Unit has power but the seal
plate does not work.
Verify power. Does the LED light turn ON when photo eye is triggered?
1. If neither the LED or seal plate work, verify that the 20A circuit breaker
has not tripped.
2. If the circuit breaker has tripped, verify there are no shorts to ground in
the unit by checking wiring and connections. Reset circuit breaker.
3. Replace circuit breaker if it cannot be reset.
Verify the photo eye is working properly.
1. With the power on, there should be a green light illuminated on the back
of the photo eye. When the photo eye is triggered a separate yellow light
will illuminate.
2. If the green light is ON and the yellow light does not illuminate when the
photo eye is triggered, replace the photo eye.
3. If green light is not illuminated when power is on, check control board to
determine if photo eye or control board is faulty.
Verify the control board is working.
1. Check the voltage on pin 1 of the control board using a multimeter. If it is
not 120VAC, a wiring issue exists. Find and repair.
Check voltage across pin 4 & 5, (brown & blue wires) this voltage should
be 10 to 30VDC.
- If no voltage present, replace control board.
- If voltage present, replace photo eye.
Verify seal plate. If the plate does not heat at all or is only slightly warm to the
touch, replace the seal plate.
Film cut-off rod does not work
at all.
Verify the unit is plugged into a 15A circuit and the power switch is set to the
on position.
Verify that the 1A circuit breaker is not tripped. If the circuit breaker is tripped,
then reset and verify there are no shorts to ground in the unit by checking
wiring and connections.
Film cuts too slowly.
Clean cut-off rod surface and verify it is not bent. See cut-off rod